How To Get More Online Product Reviews?

Retailers who place customer reviews on their website are often trusted more by customers. Especially if there are negative reviews along with positive ones from real users then a potential buyer gains confidence about the site and initiates purchase. The number of customer reviews is a direct measure of the popularity of the product. Larger the number of reviews better will be the confidence level of the customer. Of course, the number of positive reviews should exceed number of negative comments.  For example, experts often comment that this is one of the controlling factors behind the huge success of Amazon. This is a unique marketing technique that helps to create brands and popularize them among the many alike. But how to get more online product reviews? Many experts and marketing professionals have outlined several different methods of convincing customers to post online product reviews in the retailer’s website.Product-Reviews-logo

Following Are Some Easy Ways:

1.Ask the buyer after they make the purchase. This is the most direct method that usually works. There are two ways of doing this. Either you ask them immediately when they leave the shopping website or send them a follow up email. The timing of asking for a review is extremely important. You should allow your customer to use the product. Allow at least a week after the product has reached the buyer. This will help the buyer to post genuine reviews.

2.A second intimation should be followed if the buyer fails to post any comment after receiving the first email. Usually people forget to post reviews. Most of them do want to leave comments and user experience. Especially, those who are extremely happy or absolutely disappointed with the product are keen on posting some good quality reviews.

Best Product Review Sites (2)

3.You can offer a reward to the buyer for posting reviews. This is an effective marketing strategy that has been found to bring good response. Loyalty points, rewards programs, deals and coupons, small discounts, gift coupons or certificates, gift cards for a discount on a meal in a popular restaurant or coffee chain, free contest entrees are some of the usual methods that are being followed widely to convince customers in sharing experience.

4.Focus on the method of posting reviews in the website. The instructions should be easy to understand and easy to execute. It should not be a lengthy process. Some specific contact information, a review note and a star rating are the three basic requirements. They should be done in no time. Also, if some buyer does not want to write a review there should be options where he can place his feedback via multiple choice questions. The interface should be smart and absolutely non-confusing. Buyers have very little patience or time to do this kind of interaction unless they have some specific returns like gift coupons. There are many software available that can be used to make this process fast and accurate. Easier the process more the number of reviews the website will acquire.

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